Module appium_client::wait
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Wait API for waiting for elements to appear on screen
It’s basically like crate::find, but does not return results immediately. If the element is not on screen, then it tries to locate it again in intervals until it appears.
Wait has two parameters: interval and timeout.
Interval is how often to check if it appeared on screen. Timeout is how much time do you want to wait (max).
If Appium finds the element before the timeout is exceeded, then it is returned immediately. If not, then the client will query Appium again after a given interval.
Basic usage
use appium_client::capabilities::android::AndroidCapabilities;
use appium_client::ClientBuilder;
use appium_client::find::{AppiumFind, By};
let mut capabilities = AndroidCapabilities::new_uiautomator();
// create the client
let client = ClientBuilder::native(capabilities)
// wait until element appears
let element = client
.for_element(By::accessibility_id("Wait for me"))
Tweaking the interval and timeout
To change those parameters, use Wait::check_every (for changing the interval) and Wait::at_most (the timeout). See the documentation of those functions for more info.
use appium_client::capabilities::android::AndroidCapabilities;
use appium_client::ClientBuilder;
use appium_client::find::{AppiumFind, By};
// create capabilities
let mut capabilities = AndroidCapabilities::new_uiautomator();
// create the client
let client = ClientBuilder::native(capabilities)
// wait 1 s until element appears (and check every 250ms if it's appeared)
let element = client
.for_element(By::accessibility_id("Wait for me"))
Waiting for a list of elements Instead of Wait::for_element, there is Wait::for_elements (notice the s at the end). The second method returns a Vec of elements instead of one elements.
When you use the second function, the wait works the same. It still waits in the same way, and waits for the element to appear.
The only difference is that after AT LEAST ONE matching elements has appeared, the wait is over. You get the result, and the result is a Vec of all matching elements.
That means - if all elements appeared simultaneously, then you will get all elements. This method will not wait for all possible elements to appear. So if some elements appear with a delay - then they might not be there. This method returns immediately after at least one match.
- Wait parameters