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Empty capabilities (for creating a blank client)

A blank client is an appium client that is not tied to any specific driver (or a driver not supported by this lib). You can use EmptyCapabilities to manually set any capability and create a featureless Appium client.

Such featureless Appium client has a basic feature of crate::find, but any other feature has to be implemented by using crate::commands::AppiumCommand::Custom.

You can use a featureless client to use any Appium driver not currently supported by this lib (other than Android and iOS). Upside: you can use this lib. Downside: no features (yet).

use http::Method;
use serde_json::json;
use appium_client::capabilities::AppiumCapability;
use appium_client::capabilities::automation::ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR2;
use appium_client::capabilities::empty::EmptyCapabilities;
use appium_client::ClientBuilder;
use appium_client::commands::AppiumCommand;
use appium_client::find::{AppiumFind, By};

let mut capabilities = EmptyCapabilities::new();

let client = ClientBuilder::native(capabilities)

// find works out of the box
let element = client.find_by(By::Id("elementId".to_string())).await?;

// any other feature must be implemented by issuing a custom command
// for example, this is a command used to set geolocation on Android
        "location": {
            "latitude": 121.21,
            "longitude": 11.56,
            "altitude": 94.23


  • Empty capabilities - for use in tests or with a platform not implemented by this lib.